Stay active in upheavals or regain your ability for a restart!
Business upheavals in which employees and even managers see themselves as victims are not new or rare. Yet it is difficult to see them as an opportunity for a restart. However, we were all hurt by COVID and also the Ukraine crisis, very suddenly and hardly foreseeable. VUCA sends its regards!
Significant advances in technology then devalue existing knowledge and skills, but also create completely new jobs.
Planned restructuring continues to lead to planned downsizing and suddenly you have to apply.
Mergers also change structures and hierarchies, and thus one’s own position, or lead to a new boss…
Carve-outs lead to changes in the medium term, and eventually to drastic ones.
All of this triggers fear and uncertainty, perhaps unintentionally, but also as a welcome wake-up call for a reboot from the comfort zone, for a restart.
Why should you, personally, be interested in the open seminar?
Sie lernen im offenen Seminar (wieder) zu selbst bestimmtem Handeln (zurück) zu finden – auf der Basis bewusster Selbstreflexion.
So gelingt es, Entscheidungen so zu treffen, dass sich ein Schub für Ihre weitere berufliche Entwicklung ergeben kann. Etwa von einem Karriereplateau aus.
Dann lernen Sie, mit wichtigen Entscheidern in einer schwierigen Situation einen konstruktiven Dialog zu führen.
Als Betroffener lernen Sie mit zunächst bedrohlich erscheinenden Situationen und Krisen umzugehen und schließlich einen Vorteil für sich zu erreichen.
Sie lernen persönliche Ziele, auch für einen Neustart, besser zu erkennen, zu beschreiben und daher effektiv zu verfolgen.
Ferner lernen Sie die für Ihre Situation wichtigsten rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen kennen und juristische Probleme zu beachten, sodass Sie bei Ihren Entscheidungen auf der sicheren Seite sind.

We have created direct online access for registration here. The next run of the seminar will be in the Munich area on the weekend of 15-16. April 2023, start at 10 a.m. on the first day.

Why would you, personally, be interested in the open seminar?
Because you want to offer your employees something to cope with very special circumstances. Or to be prepared for a restart. Support them with our offer to put themselves back at the center of important decisions, with regard to all people and factors involved. For the benefit of all involved…

The participants learn to make decisions in such a way that a restart can result, if possible in the company.
They learn to discuss upheavals constructively with important decision-makers and to clearly express and represent their interests.
In this way you will learn how to deal with seemingly threatening situations and quickly find your way back to self-determined action in crises.
You will also get to know the most important legal framework conditions that apply in your current situation.
Simply get in touch via our contacts if you see a need for your managers and employees. This allows us to ask about specific needs and expectations and discuss the detailed design.
Training for a restart: form and structure, organizational matters
We want to offer the event, see above, on the one hand as an open seminar. This is also an opportunity for interested parties who do not want to discuss their situation with others from the same company, but rather with strangers. You can find out more about planning here.
On the other hand, we offer company-specific events. Finally, it happens that changes in the company, such as new processes or changed requirements for the employees, internal implementations or even the reduction of staff have to be carried out. Managers and employees, especially those ‘affected’ by changes, would welcome advice and coaching, including training in talking to people in the same situation! We have already held relevant seminars!

The Trainers Team
The team of developers will also be the team of trainers. Myself, Dr. Reiner Borretty, has a wealth of experience as a manager and “human resources manager”. Our team includes the equally experienced labour lawyer Andreas Schulze, who also contributes his legal expertise. We had already carried out training courses and workshops for a restart for industrial customers on the subject and have now brought our concepts together for your benefit.
The seminars should be held in person or in a virtual form – over two days (plus the evening before) with a maximum of 12 participants.
In the kick-off on the evening before, the specific questions and topics are collected, presented and – as the first focus of the consultation – determined in more detail. We then work alternately over two days in a mixture of concrete casework in parallel groups and provide input and training on the main points:

There is also relevant input and intensive exchange. Finally, we develop concrete steps for the company or personal future.
The Rakotzbrücke (left) is intended to symbolize our model: off to new shores, in several consultation and later discussion and negotiation cycles.
What's next?
We have scheduled the pilot run to the seminar for 15th of April 2023, in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. We will announce further dates, and prices, later this year.